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2016 Workshop


Southwest Michigan Oak Restoration Workshop

Held May 17-18, 2016 at Bay Pointe Inn, Shelbyville, MI, and at Barry State Game Area and Yankee Springs Recreation Area


  1. Recognize current challenges and impediments to oak regeneration/restoration.
  2. Identify promising silvicultural treatments that favor oak.
  3. Highlight sources of information that supports oak ecosystem restoration.
  4. Discuss oak regeneration monitoring and adaptive management strategies

Day One Presentations:

9:15am Workshop Overview & Objectives (Mark MacKay, DNR)
9:30am “Oak, Fire & Mesophication: Past, current, and future trends of oak in the eastern United States” by Greg Nowacki (USFS R09).
11:00-11:30am “Oak-Pine Ecosystem Restoration with Fire: Case studies of seasonality and repeated burns in Michigan” by Jack McGowan-Stinski (Lake States Fire Science Consortium).
11:30am “Potential effects of future climate change on the oak resource” by Steve Matthews (USFS NRS).
1:30pm “Silvicultural treatments that promote oak ecosystems” by Pat Brose (USFS NRS).
2:30pm “SILVAH decision-support system and its utility in managing oak” by Pat Brose.
3:15pm “Oak ecosystem restoration and unified monitoring protocols for National Forests in the Eastern Region” by Dan Dey (USFS NRS).

Other Information From SW MI Oak Workshop:

Oak Workshop Primary Take Home Messages

Oak Workshop Summary of Field Visits

Oak Workshop Literature

Nowacki response to workshop comment regarding Oak Natural Disturbance Regime

Dey response to workshop comment regarding Prescribed Burning and Oak Wilt

Workshop Evaluation Results