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Incorporating Principals of Natural Disturbance into Development and Evaluation of Forest Management Guides for the Boreal Forest Region of Ontario
Rob Rempel, PhD
Research Scientist
Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Webinar presented Thursday, April 17, 2014 (2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central)
The Forest Management Guide for Boreal Landscapes (Boreal Landscape Guide) provides direction to planning teams to help them set the broad strategic direction for their forest management plan.
Sustainability Principals:
- Large, healthy, diverse and productive Crown forests and their associated ecological processes and biological diversity should be conserved.
- To provide for long term health and vigour of the forests, emulate natural disturbances and landscape patterns while minimizing adverse effects on plant life, animal life, water, soil, air and social and economic values.
- Principals of natural disturbance ecology can be used to inform forest management and conservation policies to sustain ecological integrity and ecosystem services
- Fire science and simulation can be used to estimate desired ranges of natural variability
- Carefully selected wildlife species can be used to assess effectiveness of Emulation of Natural Disturbance-based policies
Emulation of Natural Disturbance should be viewed as a policy hypothesis, with effectiveness monitoring used to test assumptions and improve policy direction, in an adaptive management context.
Here is the link to Ontario’s Forest Management Guides.
Direct links to specific Guides:
Landscape and Stand and Site Guides:
Silvicultural Guides: