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2017-2018 Webinar Series

CanFIRE: predicting fire behaviour and fire effects.
Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 2 PM Eastern /1 PM Central
Dr. W.J. (Bill) de Groot
Fire Research Scientist Natural Resources Canada-Canadian Forest Service
- CFFDRS science-management integration model
- Stand-level, fire behaviour-based model
- Simulates physical and ecological fire effects
- Small scale (fire behaviour) to large scale (fire regimes)
- New fuel consumption equations
- Dynamic fuel model (fully adjustable)
Webinar Recordings: PLEASE NOTE - there was audio difficulties during recording but these have been clipped out as best as possible.
- To Test your computer internet connection and compatibility with adobe connect, click here and follow the prompts.
- You will need to use the speaker output from your computer, so make sure you know how to control your speaker volume and attach external speakers for better performance. We will prompt you to type questions in the chat box throughout the session.