There are no events planned.
Overview of the Workshop - Smoke management and smoke hazards are one of the most important things to plan for and manage when doing a prescribed burn, or to consider during any wildfire suppression. This is an active participation “hands-on” workshop where we will work through exercises using online smoke tools. This is a good introductory workshop for anyone – those who have not had much smoke modeling and management exposure, or as an excellent refresher for those who have had another smoke course.
Instructors - Trent Wickman and Alexia Prosperi, Air Resource Specialists with the Eastern Regional Office, USDA Forest Service
Materials for and from past Workshops -
Example of 2024 Smoke TOOLS Workshop Agenda_01042024
Smoke Lessons Plan compressed photos
Smoke Tools Workshop_February 28 2022_Recording_1920x1200_MP4Video
Smoke Tools Workshop_March 1_ 2022_Recording_1920x1200_MP4Video
Smoke Tools Workshop 2022 Presentation Trent Wickman 02242022
Websites to put in your browser's "favorites" list
NOTE: the requires you to pre-register to gain access. Allow time for this process before the class please.
If you have any questions about the Workshop please contact Jack McGowan-Stinski
Trent Wickman is an Air Resource Specialist with the US Forest Service, Eastern Region. Trent grew up in northern Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He attended Michigan Tech University in Houghton, MI and received a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering. After graduation in 1996 he worked as an Air Permit Engineer for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for five years drafting and issuing air permits for new industrial sources. Since 2001 he has worked for the US Forest Service as an Air Resource Specialist, primarily in the states of Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, assessing the impact of air emissions from industrial sources to forest resources and also supporting wildland fire through various smoke management activities. Since 2014 he has been detailed to numerous wildfires across the U.S. as an Air Resource Advisor (ARA) to do smoke forecasting and monitoring. Trent and his wife currently have two grown sons. In his spare time he prays for snow so he can go X-C skiing, curls, bikes, hikes, hunts, fishes and generally tries to stay outside as much as possible. He just got a camper so he may disappear at any time. Trent is based in Duluth, MN -